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Category Archives: ruins

Tigray – new community guest house


Community guest house at Amba Fekada


Ruins near Amba Fekada, said to be a temple of the Queen of Sheba


Pre Axumite rock art

A new community guest house has opened in the north of Tigray on a mountain called Amba Fekada. The mountain is surrounded by gorges, and across one valley you can see the mountain on which Debre Damo is perched. In the nearby village is a church, whose compound is full of fallen down pillars that date back to the early or even pre-Axumite period. There is also a patch of rock on Amba Fekada with a painting that is also pre-Axumite depicting humpless cattle ploughing (which dates the painting to the period before humped cattle were introduced.

At the moment we are suggesting a night here with the community- your guide from Adigrat will help you get a bus up from town, costing less than 10 birr a seat, you would then spend part of the day exploring the area and the sites. After a night as guests of the local community, either do some more exploring or scatch the bus back to Adigrat.

Adigrat can be reached on the good asphalt roads from Axum or Mekele on public transport, or let us arrange a private vehicle for you.

We hope that very soon you will be able to trek to or from Amba Fekada, Chehat (the guest house to the south) and Mugulat (the guest house that connects the trek to the more established community guest houses, west and south of Adigrat.


New sites opening in Tigray

IMG_2604.JPG Three new sites are opening in the mountains around Adigrat – in the Agame area of Tigray. The first (now operational – although we need a weeks notice) is called Mugulat – just south of the Adwa-Adigrat road, the second Chehat will be another month or so getting organised, and the third – Menebeyti should be a couple of weeks.

IMG_2647.JPG The views are staggering and the walk between them is lovely. Pictures coming soon! There are very old rock paintings need Menebeyti (also known as Amba Fekada) and some pre Axumite ruins said to date back to the Queen of Sheba.

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