The new and unique Tesfa Calendar Runs from Sep 2020 – Aug 2021 (ie Eth Year 2013) is now in its 14th year & is available.
This calendar is unique in that it details the Ethiopia dates, holidays, saints days, fasts, Islamic holidays and more on to a western calendar month format. This goes along side stunning photos that will make you want to get out of Addis, or fly over from where ever you have the calendar and see this beautiful country. The photos are taken from the Tesfa Community treks across the north of the country (the Agenda has photos from other additional places too).

The Hanging Calendar, great on your wall
The calendar comes in 3 versions:
Traditional hanging calendar (29.5cm across and 51cm opened hanging down) – 12 months with 13 photos. Donation 250birr.
Desktop version to fit on your desk (approx 20cm x 17cm) – same pages – with photos facing back and dates forward. We ask 150 birr donation for these calendars.
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The Agenda – packed with info
The Agenda (20.5cm x 14.5cm) in portrait format, has 1 week to a page and so 53 pages (52.14 weeks a year) – running from Monday to Sunday on one side on easy to write on paper, additional information on the day and with a photo to match on opposite page. Donation 350 birr.
We ask a donation to help support the Tesfa communities who have guesthouses around the country hosting visitors enabling them to walk through their beautiful landscapes.
The calendars are available from our offices at Kebena, but we will also have copies at various locations around Addis.
For further information email