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Category Archives: burning

Smog in Addis for Hedar Mikael

Smog in Addis this morning

Today Thursday 21 November is St Mikael’s day here in Ethiopia – Hedar (the month) Mikael. It’s one of numerous big saints days where the holy tabot is paraded out. But for this day there is a tradition to burn rubbish and that the smoke will take the evil away.  For more details see this earlier blog.

Extract from the calendar showing holidays

To understand the traditions of the church, the fasts, the big celebrations, the saints days and holidays and much more in Ethiopia you need the Tesfa Tours diary or calendar where all of these are laid out clearly.  When is the adversity fast starting? When is Tsion Mariam etc? Our calendar will tell you. It even lets you know the full moons!


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Melkam Hedar Mikael

WFB0SogkRcCeYetEnKvhrQThis morning this there is a pall of smoke over Addis Ababa.


It is Hedar 11 – (Nov 22) one of the big St Michael’s days in the calendar. Today traditionally rubbish is burnt in peoples’ compounds and the smoke takes disease and bad spirits away.   

There will be big crowds at Mikael churches across the country, so unless you want to go and se what is happening at the church better take a different road!

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