Tesfa Tours is one of a team of tour operators organising RIDE THE RIFT –
Fancy testing your legs & lungs, and thrill your senses. Cycling up the Rift Valley from the borders of Afar to Ankober Palace Lodge. The object is to raise money for feeelance tourism workers around the country who have had no income for 7 months now.
For those who love cycling, for those interested in visiting beautiful parts of Ethiopia, and for those interested in supporting those whose livelihoods have been drastically affected by COVID-19, please take a look at this upcoming event on the weekend 20th – 22nd November. Please share far and wide with your national and international friends and colleagues. For more information email: ridetherift2020@gmail.com
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#RideTheRift2020. #AwashToAnkober #TravelOutToHelpOut #EthiopianSponsoredBikeRide